Now it appears as though the systemd developers have found a solution to kernel compatibility problems and a way to extend their philosophy of placing all key operating system components in one repository. According to Ivan Gotyaovich, one of the developers working on systemd, the project intends to maintain its own fork of the Linux kernel. "There are problems, problems in collaboration, problems with compatibility across versions. Forking the kernel gives us control over these issues, gives us control over almost all key parts of the stack."Disgusting!! And no joke, but a serious undermining of Linux asa commons
In essence, systemd will gain another component, the Linux kernel, which can be patched as needed to work better with other systemd components. Having both the init software and the kernel managed by one project will also allow bug fixes to be addressed more quickly and avoid conflict between Linux and systemd developers. Ivan says systemd developers plan to merge improvements and changes from Torvalds' kernel into the systemd project and, in an e-mail, confirmed systemd developers will make their own patches public so they can be merged back into Linus' Linux.
Having two versions of the Linux kernel raises concerns about compatibility, but Ivan Gotyaovich states the systemd developers will work hard to maintain ABI compatibility and avoid breaking any userspace packages. He also states this could be an exciting time for Linux users: "Since until now development of GNU/Linux has been fragmented, slowed by poor communication and conflicting designs. Our systemd project offers distributions a united core where almost all key components live. Soon we will not need dozens of separate userland components talking with an alien kernel. All components will work together by design. We will no longer need GNU/udev/ntpd/NetworkManager/syslogd/Linux. Instead we will soon have GNU/systemd, [a] much simpler, unified platform. GNU/systemd will be a better target for third-party developers and easier to support."
While some members of the Linux community may not like the idea of a further expanding systemd project, it is hard to deny GNU/Linux has been a difficult platform for independent software vendors, particularly game developers. Products like WPS and Steam tend to target one or two specific distributions and leave porting and compatibility issues up to individual distributions to solve. Having one united core operating system for Linux users may make the platform more attractive to a wider range of companies and developers who do not have the resources to properly support the hundreds of permutations of software found across GNU/Linux distributions.
Analysing the argumentation:
Fragmented is newspeak for diversified, escaping the tendency to a digital monoculture.
Conflicting designs is newspeak for: "Our design should be determining everything."
Poor communication is newspeak for:" Everybody should uncritically approve of our decisions and direction."
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